Admission to Reception, September 2025
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 your child will be starting reception in September 2025. You can make an application from November 2024.
All known Nottinghamshire children eligible to apply will have been sent an application pack from Nottinghamshire County Council. Children who live outside of Nottinghamshire should contact their local authority for information about applying.
Admission to Reception F2 and In Year admission to all years
Admission to Reception (F2) to Year 6 at Mapperley Plains Primary School is managed by Nottinghamshire County Council Central Admission Team who are contactable on 0300 500 8080.
For further information on how to apply and a wide range of useful information regarding the admission process, please visit the Nottinghamshire County Council website here.
Admission to Nursery (Foundation 1)
We determine our own admissions for entry to our Nursery. Places in F1 can be offered the term after a child's 3rd birthday. All sessions are term time only, following the same term dates as school. Children progress to full time education during the academic year in which their 5th birthday falls.
Please see below an Application Form for Nursery (Foundation 1). Please complete and return this to the School Office to keep on file. We will then contact you nearer to the time of admission.
Please note that if your child has a place in F1, this does not guarantee a place in Reception. Reception places are to be formally applied for as stated above.
School Admission arrangements 2025-2026 Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools.
View details for primary, infant, junior and secondary schools in Nottinghamshire including catchment areas, how places are allocated, advice on choosing a school and when to apply for a school place. Please visit the Nottinghamshire County Council website here.
Nottinghamshire County Council's (NCC) admission arrangements for 2025-2026 were approved on 5 February 2024. The arrangements are now determined are detailed below.
Summary of Consultation for 2025-2026 and poster detailed below.